Online service for coordinate transformations and coordinate system parameters calibration

Geodesy Online, professional solution for geospatial data engineers, has announced a new online service for coordinate transformations and coordinate system parameters calibration Geodesy Transform.

Geodesy Transform is a geodetic program that runs in a browser. This is really a website you can open on your phone, computer, tablet, or on any other device with a browser and the Internet.

The new online service allows you to recalculate points between coordinate systems, set transformation parameters, create your own coordinate systems. It supports geocentric, spherical, planar coordinate systems, various types of projections, geoid models. Provides SRTM elevation data, recalculates normal heights to geodetic and vice versa.

Let's take a look at the Geodesy Transform feature set in more detail.

  • Converting points from one coordinate system to another
  • Geocentric, spherical, planar coordinate systems support
  • Transverse Mercator and Lambert Conformal Conic support

Recalculating points is a classic task in geodesy. Geodesy Transform supports popular coordinate system types and successfully copes with the conversion task.

  • Popular coordinate systems database
  • Creating your own coordinate systems
  • Copying existing coordinate systems
  • Manual input of system parameters

Geodesy Transform provides a big set of predefined coordinate systems (currently there are about 3000 systems grouped by country). A distinctive feature is the ability to create your own coordinate systems. Copying an existing coordinate system will be useful and save your time.

  • Support for geoid models EGM 96, EGM 2008
  • Geoid anomalies calculation
  • Normal (orthometric) heights calculation to geodetic and vice versa

The popular geoid model EGM 96 and EGM 2008 are available in the app. EGM 96 is available with a step rate of 5 ', EGM 2008 with a step rate of 2.5' and 1 '. Geodesy Transform allows you to set different geoid models for different coordinate systems separately and perform calculations between them.

  • Support for various units of measure
  • Import / export of projects

The Geodesy Transform concept assumes work within a separate project. First, you need to create at least one project. The project settings offer a wide range of linear and angular units (degrees, radians, gons, mils, meters, feet). The application supports two modes (transformation, calibration). Also there are some settings related to the display of the map and tables.

  • Hidden parameters

An interesting feature is the ability to hide the coordinate systems parameters. They can be hidden from viewing when importing a project. This feature might be useful if you want to share the project with another user, but do not want to disclose the systems parameters.

  • Plan and height corrections

Geodesy Transform supports plan and height corrections and includes transformations such as affine, helmert, shift axes, approximating plane, height const.

  • Calibration geocentric, geodetic and planar coordinate systems

Calibration is a key feature of Geodesy Transform. The Geodesy Online team has provided a simple and convenient solution for a technically challenging task. The calibration mode will allow you to identify parameters using the least squares method.

  • Points import / export
  • Manual input of coordinates

Points can be entered either manually or by importing from a file. The import/export functions are highly configurable. The user can customize parameters such as decimal point, digit group separator, column delimiter, units and some others. This makes it easy to adapt to almost any text file format when importing points.

  • Displaying points on the map (OpenStreetMap)
  • Interactive point creation by clicking on the map

For user convenience, entered points are displayed on the map. Users can add the points by clicking on the map.

  • Scatter plot for displaying points of local coordinate systems

Geodesy Transform provides a scatter plot to display points for local systems with unknown parameters.

  • Determining and converting the coordinates of your location to any of the supported coordinate systems

In case your device has an inbuilt GPS module, e.g. smartphone or tablet, you can add points using your location and recalculate them to any of the supported coordinate systems.

  • Import of coordinate systems from Mapinfo format (TMERC, LCC)

Are the coordinate system parameters you need saved in the mapinfo.prj file? Upload the file and add systems. Geodesy Transform allows you to import individual lines from a mapinfo file.

  • SRTM elevation data

Geodesy Transform provides SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) elevation data. When entering coordinates, the application can calculate the normal height (Hnorm), ellipsoidal height (Hell) and geoid anomaly (A). The last two parameters are calculated if the geoid is specified.

  • Let us know what other functions you need?

Send feedback or contact us by email. Geodesy Online team will get back to you as soon as possible and try to answer any questions about working with the service.

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